PDF udgave (135 KB) Europaudvalget (Info-note I 79) (Offentligt) Folketingets Europaudvalg Christiansborg, den 24. februar 2004 Europaudvalgets sekretariat Til udvalgets medlemmer og stedfortrædere Invitation til Nordisk Råds temamøde om ”Den Nordlige Dimension i et Udvidet Europa” 14.-15. april 2004 i Helsingfors Vedlagt invitation og program for Nordisk Råds temamøde om ”Den Nordlige Dimension i et Udvidet Europa”. Temamødet finder sted: Onsdag den 14. april – torsdag den 15. april 2004 i Holiday Inn Helsinki Congress Center Der vil være afgang fra Kastrup lufthavn onsdag den 14. april kl. 08.15 med ankomst til Helsingfors 10.55, og hjemkomst torsdag den 15. april kl. 16.40 (afgang fra Helsingfors 16.00). Temamødet er delt op i to blokke af workshops (en hver dag) med 3 emner i hver blok. Det bedes venligst angivet på tilmeldingsblanketten hvilke wor k- shops man ønsker at deltage i. Der vil være tolkning til ”skandinavisk, engelsk, finsk og russisk. Interesserede medlemmer og stedfortrædere bedes tilmelde sig ved at indsende vedlagte tilmeldingsblanket til Europaudvalgets sekretariat (att. Niels Yde, lo- kal 3613) senest torsdag den 11. marts 2004. Med venlig hilsen Niels Yde
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- 3 - Köpenhamn 18 februari 2004 J. nr. 03-51-01 Inbjudan Nordiska rådets temamöte 2004 Helsingfors, 14 – 15 april, 2004 Bäste    , Jag har härmed det stora nöjet att bjuda dig in till Nordiska rådets temamöte 2004. Mötet äger rum i Holiday Inn Helsinki Congress Center den 14 – 15 april.   Syftet med mötet är att diskutera det praktiska genomförandet av den Nordliga dimensionen och vad man från  parlamentariskt  håll  kan  göra  för  att  främja  detta.  Frågeställningen  skall  belysas  utifrån  olika sakområden, och särskild tyngd skall läggas på samarbetet med Nordvästra Ryssland. Till mötet inbjuds parlamentariker  från  Östersjöregionen,  Europaparlamentet  och  andra  parlamentariska  organisationer, ministrar, samt tjänstemän, och experter från regeringar, myndigheter och internationella organisationer. En grundläggande utgångspunkt för mötet är EU:s Second Northern Dimension Action Plan (NDAP II), som antogs hösten 2003 och nu håller på att genomföras.   Temamötet omfattar två block med tre parallella sessioner vardera: Onsdag 14 april   Session 1:   A knowledge-based Region Session 2:   The Conditions for Economic Development Session 3:   The Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Wellbeing Torsdag 15 april      Session 4:   Industrial Development in the Baltic Sea Region Session 5:   Cooperation on Environmental Projects including the Role of NGO’s and Parliamentarians   Session 6:   Trafficking in Human Beings in an Enlarged EU   Registrering Anmälningsblankett för mötet bifogas. Ifylld blankett skall återsändas till Det finska delegationssekretariat, fax 358 9 432 3529 (E-mail: [email protected]senast den 15 mars. Observera att ni ombeds ange vilka seminarier ni önskar delta i under onsdagen och torsdagen, samt deltagande i luncher och middag. Hotell Deltagarna sköter själva om rese- och hotellbokningar. Bifogat återfinns praktisk information om de hotell där blockreservationer gjorts för Temamötet, samt en anmälningsblankett som skall återsändas till det hotell man väljer. Vid bokning, uppge koden ”NR/Tema”.Bokningar skal vara hotellen tillhanda senast 19 mars 2004. Väl mött i Helsingfors i april! Med vänliga hälsningar, Gabriel Romanus President i Nordiska rådet
- 4 - Draft Programme 19.02.2004 version 4.9 Nordic Council Theme Meeting 2004 The Northern Dimension in an Enlarged Europe Helsinki, Finland, April 14 – 15, 2004 Interpretation to Scandinavian, Finnish, English and Russian will be provided Wednesday 14th April 11.30 – 12.30 Buffet lunch 12.30 – 14.00 Opening of the conference Mr Gabriel Romanus, President of the Nordic Council Plenary session Paavo Lipponen, Speaker of the Finnish Parliament Russian speaker (tbc) Pat Cox, President of the European Parliament Ms. Siv Frið leifsdóttir, Chair of the Nordic Council of Ministers, Iceland 14.00 – 14.30 Coffee break 14.30 – 17.00 Parallel Sessions A Session 1: A Knowledge-based Region Chair: Mr. Lars Wegendahl, Chairman of the Nordic Council Culture and Education and Training Committee Moderator: Samuel Rachlin, Denmark TV2/Finances Science and Technology Indicators for the European Research Area and the Baltic Sea Region – Report on Bench Marks and how do Russia and the Baltic States do According to these Bench Marks? Didier Gambier, European Commission (tbc) The Creation of the European Research Area and a Northern Research and Innova tion Area (Noria) Secretary General Per Unckel, Nordic Council of Ministers Instruments to Provide Innovation in the Northern Area: Technology Push or Market Pull Managing Director Jørn Bang Andersen, AHA Consultant Session 2: The Foundations for Social and Economic Development
- 5 - Chair: Mr. Gabriel Romanus, President of the Nordic Council Moderator: H E. Ms. Helle Degn, former MP and Commissioner of the CBSS The Development of the Legal Framework for Economic Activities in Russia (tentative title) Mr. Reino Paasilinna, MEP (tbc) Economic development in Russia – Key Factors and Current Trends (tentative title) Mr. Julian Schweitzer, Country Director for Russia, World Bank, Moscow (tbc) Labour Market Relations in Russia (tentative) Mr. Igor Yurgens, Chairman of the Russian Industrialists Economic Cooperation with Russia – Possibilities and Challenges Peter Egardt, President of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (tbc) Session 3: The Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Wellbeing Chair: Ms. Tarja Cronberg, Chairman of the Nordic Council Welfare Committee Moderator: H.E. Mr. Pär Stenbäck, Minister, Finland The ND Partnership in Public Health and Social Wellbeing Mr. Carl Älfvåg, Director, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Sweden; Chairman CSR Social Dimension in The Fight Against Communicable Diseases Dr. Mikko Vienonen, WHO Special Representative of Director General in Rus- sia Perspective and Visions for Controlling Communicable Diseases (HIV/AIDS, TB and STD) Professor Alexander Shabrov, Representative of the Ministry of Health in Rus- sian North-West Federal District St. Petersburg State Medical Academy(tbc) The Nordic Council of Ministers Role and Contribution to the ND partnership in Public Health and Social Wellbeing Dr. Thomas Alslev Christensen, Director, the Nordic Council of Ministers 20.00 Dinner Thursday 15th April 9.00 – 11.30 Parallel Sessions B Session 4: Industrial Development in the Baltic Sea Region
- 6 - Chair: Ms. Drífa Hjartardóttir, Chairman of the Nordic Council Business and Industry Committee Moderator: Mr. Samuel Rachlin, Denmark TV2/Finances Growth Areas in the Russian industry Mr. Igor Yurgens, Chairman of the Russian Industrialists Biotechnology in the Baltic Sea Region – Investments and Global Competition Mr. Bo Samuelsen, Chairman of ScanBalt The Baltic Membership of the NIB – Goals and Perspectives Mr. Jon Sigurðsson, President and CEO of the Nordic Investment Bank Session 5: Cooperation on Environmental Projects including the Role of NGO´s and Par- liamentarians Chair: Mr. Asmund Kristoffersen, Chairman of the Nordic Council Envi- ronment and Natural Resources Committee Moderator: H.E. Mr. Pär Stenbäck, Minister, Finland Priorities and Modes of Environment Cooperation in Northwest Russia Mr. Ilya Klebanov, Plentipotentiary Representative of the President of the Rus- sian Federation in the Northwest Federal District (tbc) Potentials and Barriers for NGO Participation in Cooperation Projects Ms. Olga Speranskaya, Eco Accord, (Russian based NGO) (tbc) EU Environment Cooperation in Northwest Russia Mr. Richard Wright, Head of Moscow EU Delegation (tbc) Nordic Council of Minister’s Action Plan for Cooperation to Northwest Russia and the NCM’s Activities in the EU Action Plan for the Northern Dimension Nordic Minister (tbc) Session 6: Trafficking in Human Beings in an Enlarged EU Chair: Mr. Arne Lyngstad, Chairman of the Nordic Council Citizens´ and Consumer Rights Committee Moderator: H E. Ms. Helle Degn, former MP and Commissioner of the CBSS The European Unions plans and concrete actions as concerns combating traf- ficking in human beings – the need of multidisciplinary approach Ms. Patsy Sörensen, MEP Trafficking in Human Beings and Organized Crime Björn Clarberg, Europol (tbc) Report from the Baltic countries on the results of the joint Nordic - Baltic cam- paign against trafficking in human beings – Problems and good examples Ms. Kristiina Luht project coordinator, Ministry of Social Affairs, Estonia
- 7 - Prostitution Control in the Nordic Countries: Past and Present, Reasons and Consequences Ms. May-Len Skilbrei, University of Oslo 11.45 – 12.45 Plenary Session Sum-up, reflections and the way ahead Panel of Moderators Concluding words: The parliamentarians´ role in promoting the implementation of the Northern Dimension 12.45 – 13.30 Buffet Lunch
- 8 - Ja, jeg ønsker at deltage i temamødet Onsdag den 14. april vil jeg deltage i følgende workshop: En vidensbaseret region Fundamentet for social og økonomisk udvikling Den Nordiske dimensions partnerskab vedr. sundhedssystemer og socialt velbefindende Torsdag den 15. april vil jeg deltage i følgende workshop: Industriel udvikling i Østersøregionen Samarbejde om miljøprojekter herunder NGO’ers og parlamenta- rikeres rolle Menneskehandel i et udvidet EU MF Navn: _________________________________________ Evt. kontaktpersen:  ___________________________________________ Evt. bemærkninger:  ___________________________________________ Tilmeldingsblanketten bedes sendt til: { Sæt kun kryds ved én af disse { Sæt kun kryds ved én af disse
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